Kok Sen Restaurant – Cantonese Cuisine at Its Best


If you’re a fan of Cantonese cuisine, you’ll want to try the zip char at Kok Sen Restaurant. This restaurant features classic dishes as well as more unusual creations. Yong Tau Foo is one of the most unusual dishes, made with eggplant, capsicums, and squid paste. You can try it either in sauce or without. It’s not only delicious but also a great way to try something new.

Xia Yin Chao Fen

Xia Yin Chao-Fen is one of China’s most famous dishes. This Chinese specialty was first introduced in Beijing in 1956. It is a favorite amongst celebrities. The dish is a combination of shrimp and pork and is one of the most expensive in China. The dish is served with a glass of steaming water.