7 Ways to Use Videos for additional Engagement on Instagram


Inside the digital world, social media has changed into a very important part of a successful online strategy. Social media platforms like Facebook or myspace, Instagram, Twitter, etc . give you a lot of opportunities for manufacturers to showcase their products. Ultimate guide to buy instagram followers from vastlikes.

These kinds of platforms are free to use and you will directly interact with larger viewers at once. You don’t need to invest a lot of cash in building a marketing strategy that features social media videos. No matter whether you do have a small or a large enterprise, it’s time that you consider social media marketing seriously.

Based on stats shared by Lyfe marketing and advertising, 93 percent of video clips on Twitter are used from mobile phones. Views regarding branded video content online have doubled in the last four years. Moreover, Facebook live video tutorials receive 10 times more reviews than regular videos. These statistics show that video information is in demand in social networking communities.

This is because millennials connect considerably more to videos on the web 2 . 0. Web Marketing Video Council finds that more than 60 percent of brands are using web 2 . 0 videos actively for campaigns. Thus, it is highly probable that your competitors are also profiting from the power of social media video to help expand their customer base.

Instagram is a very powerful social media podium that allows you to share images and videos on the net. Techcrunch has been studying Instagram trends since its launch. Per their study, Instagram intersected the threshold of 1 tera- monthly active users in 2018.

Moreover, Instagram is growing at a rate of 5 various percent per quarter, the biggest among social media platforms. Therefore, Instagram should be your first decision in showcasing your brand’s products and services. In this posting, we will take you using some ways to use Instagram videos for engaging a lot more audiences.

Short Commercials

Generate short, valuable videos that will represent your brand. It is possible to showcase your product artistically through these kinds of videos. The commercial may be inspirational, funny, or mental. Instagram currently allows you to reveal a 60-second video clip on your timeline. With these kinds of short videos, it is easy to pick up the attention of the target audience. Furthermore, short videos are best to share with you crisp information about your goods. You can share the business on Instagram stories, IGTV, or the Instagram period.

Product details

Showcase your current product’s specifications or a ‘product in action’ video to show its capability. Focus is without a doubt important feature to keep the particular viewers engaged. Keep the video clip more informative and less detailed. Attention to detail is the key to being able to create a cool and alluring video. You can put the product or service video in your brand’s Instagram page’s timeline for the viewers to see anytime. Creating these kinds of spontaneous videos attracts plenty of attention.

Do-it-yourself videos

An ideal way to use Instagram videos is always to create instructional content. ‘Do it yourself or ‘how to’ videos share your current products working. This helps users to understand the product’s use. You can also create troubleshooting video tutorials related to any problem that your purchaser might face. To the point, video tutorials are liked by the target visitors as they get relevant facts within a short span of energy. By sharing such video tutorials from time to time you can build a romance with your existing customers.

Look behind the curtain video

Customers have become frugal in choosing a product, thus it is important to establish a connection with these individuals. You can create behind-the-scenes video tutorials that take them through trivia related to your product. That may conduct quick learning instructions about tips and tricks related to your product usage. The rapidly forward video that Sheryl Cole has shared about her work will give any ideas. You just have to be inspiring and smart in saving the right moments for your Instagram video.

Instagram Stories Videos

Instagram launched Insta experiences in August 2016. Through experiences, you can share images as well as videos with your followers for just a 24-hour duration. This small span creates a sense involving urgency and people tend to see the stories as they see a single active. You can use stories in promoting your business as follows:

Sharing short-time deals is a good way to entice people to your products and services. You may set up the offer then it can only be redeemed in the story’s lifespan. Once people familiarize themselves with such deals, they might come for more.

Let an influencer take over your Instagram handle to share a break peek of the products and lower price offers. A familiar face is certain to attract more audience.

Survive Instagram

The best feature about Instagram is that you can steady flow live video on it. After you go live on Instagram, you will be at the forefront of your follower’s feeds. Hence, there are excessive chances of your followers having with your live stream. They arrive to see your stream even if they aren’t physically part of the celebration. Product previews, product emits, Q&A sessions, educational fields, etc . are some ways in which you can engage with your online audience. In case your event is pre-planned, then you can certainly promote it through emails along with other social media platforms.

Bring in the creators

Give a personal touch to your stories by introducing your employees who have created your products and services. You can get the team people to share their journey within product development. Also, you can allow your employees to handle your brand’s Instagram account for a day. They can then share details about their own work life and the effort that goes into making the item. The employees can even conduct the Q&A session for the target audience to educate them about the item. Such video sessions produce an emotional connection with the prospective audience and more views for your Instagram account.


When you aren’t incorporating the power of Instagram into your digital marketing campaign, you then are missing out on something major. Instagram’s potential if milked properly, can take your merchandise to new heights. You cannot find any perfect way to use Instagram video, the techniques stated previously will help you in getting started in this. You can even hire social media operations agencies that will help you promote your products by creating several amazing video content.

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